the root of it all
Image credits, clockwise: Carla Cascales Alimbau, Kintsugi on stone sculpture | Georgia O’Keeffe, Cow’s Skull with Calico Roses | Palo Santo in seashell ashtray, source unknown | Peter Campbell, Winding River | Georgia O’Keeffe, Slightly Open Clam Shell | Katie Gong, Squiggle and Wood Knot standing sculptures
The root of it all.
The point of it all.
The long and short of it all.
The thread that runs through it all.
Before I ever imagined Of It All as a brand, its first inklings began as journal prompts jotted for my personal use, used for years as a way to connect back to myself.
Eventually, the idea that these prompts could be translated into guided notepads, journals, meditations and workshops to support others as well began to bloom in my mind as what I nicknamed “the middle thing.” I couldn’t quite yet envision it in its entirety but I knew it was a path leading me somewhere I couldn’t yet see.
Over the months, the idea developed into a brand concept and earned its first working name: “In The Midst” – a testament to both the often unclear creative process and to the feeling of existing amidst the unfolding of our days. I continued to produce sample products, sharing them with friends, and evolving them with each iteration. Finally, I was prepared to launch this brand in early 2020…and we all know the surprises that year brought.
Instantly, I was home full time with my 4-year-old and 2-year-old while newly pregnant with my third child. During days of endless monotony often I couldn’t muster the energy to even consider “self-care”. But occasionally I would make the conscious choice to try. And when I did, I found these guided tools served as a buoy, revealing insights or prompting the inspiration of new ideas that would pull me up and energize my next step.
With the fullness of life, it’s taken me until now to get back to the point of launching, but as a result, the past two and a half years have been spent cocooning with these initial offerings, integrating them into my daily and weekly rituals and feeling the full impact of their support. And now, back amidst the chaos of busy life, I’ve found they serve as an anchor; a space of quietude where I can still hear my own voice.
I share this origin story because it’s the exact spirit this brand embodies. While we may be “in the midst of it”, Of It All speaks to the higher perspective– not just where we are at now, but the genesis, the journey and the destination. The knot we think we can’t untangle; the thread we follow when we finally do. The creative process and life itself is never a straight line, and our logo depicts this: a winding path, a curving river, a trail of elusive smoke: its organic shape represents the beauty found in natural way of things, in messiness, imperfection and process.
Of It All. The root of it all; the heart of it all. The long and short of it all. The thread that runs through it all.
Curious and inquisitive, Of It All is a brand for those who embrace the deep questions. When we express, what are we really trying to say? Through the actions in our daily lives, what are we choosing to create? Where have our experiences led us and where are they leading us?
Life itself is a creative process, and this is the one Of It All aims to serve. It is my hope that these offerings are something you too can return to for clarity, grounding or self-nuture. With the vision ever unfolding, I look forward to discovering where it leads us both.